Jay Kamiraz was brutally attacked by a gang of homophobes when he was 17, which resulted in him being hospitalised, fighting for his life, and then homeless. In 2012 he had turned his life around, carrying the Olympic torch and winning the Pride of Britain award. This inspirational health transformation video shows that there are many decent people in this world who want to support and empower others, such as Eddie Hall, 2017 winner of World’s Strongest Man. In this video, Eddie and friends help Jay get his confidence back, revealing his transformation during 6 weeks of intense exercise and strict nutrition. Eddie relates that he “had a lot of haters who said you can’t do it, you’re fat, you’re ugly; I used it as fuel – put it all in that fire in your belly, burn it up, get angry and put it in the gym.” Luke, Strength and Conditioning Coach, says “your scars show that you’re a fighter and a survivor”, reminding us that we should be proud of scars as they show us what we’ve been strong enough to overcome. Check out Jay’s power of mind over matter at the end of the video and why Eddie says “I lied to you because I knew it’s in your head.” I found this sentence was so powerful - how many times has your mind convinced you not to do something and when you finally do it you are surprised at just how easy it was? The improvement to Jay’s health, muscle tone and confidence after 6 weeks is so inspiring – he is positively glowing! Empowerment and confidence can be strengthened from the inside over time, by sticking to exercise and health food plans or working through any issues in our mind. Empowerment and confidence can also be transformed quickly on the outside with the power of style for our body shape, size, colouring, lifestyle and personality. Abundance to confidence comes when we align what’s on the inside with what’s on the outside. Start your style journey here today for instant confidence because a wardrobe update is a lot easier than refusing cup cakes for a year! “When you bring what is within out into the world, magic happens” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Comments are closed.